Richmond Homebuyers: How Your Commute Time Should Impact Your House Hunt

Richmond Homebuyers: How Your Commute Time Should Impact Your House Hunt

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Richmond HomebuyersThere are 11 million Americans that drive more than one hour each way to work and home, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Your commute plays a role in your daily life, or at least your workday life. There are some Richmond homebuyers who are willing to drive a longer distance to get the house they want, and there are others that are willing to sacrifice on the house to have a shorter commute.

Whichever end of the spectrum you fall on, here are some things for Richmond homebuyers to consider about commuting when purchasing a house.

  1. Map Out the Drive

Before making an offer on a house, think about what your commute will be like, and then take it a step further and check it out. Do not just search for how much distance is between the two points – get in the car and make the drive.

It might seem like a short distance, but if you are driving through a busy part of the city with lots of traffic lights, or a part of the highway that is frequently backed up, you might think twice. Imagine yourself making the drive over and over again, and then be honest with yourself.

  1. Consider Your Daily Balance

If you purchase a house that has a long commute, how will it impact your day? Will the longer drive benefit you by providing a chance to unwind before walking through the front door? Or will a busy commute be the last thing you need to set you off after a stressful day? Will you have time to enjoy the benefits of your house and personal life if you are adding on to your commute each day?

  1. What Life Stage are You In?

If you are fresh out of college and starting your first job, you might like the excitement of being located in a city, close to work, where you can walk to all kinds of shopping, restaurants, and nightlife. You can handle having a smaller area with no yard in order to have a short commute and public transportation.

However, if you have a family with children that want a big back yard to run around in, you might find yourself with a longer commute.

Also consider your job. If you are not happy with your job and don’t want to stay with the company for long, your current commute may not matter to you.

  1. Weigh the Options

Think about the costs of your commute – both the financial and non-financial costs. If you have a longer commute, not only are you spending more on gas every year, but more of your time is being spent driving.

What will you be missing out on by having a longer commute? The bigger house outside of the city might not be worth it when it means missing out on activities that are important to you or your loved ones.

Before buying a Richmond house test out different ways to make the commute. See if you can find a faster route or a better way to avoid traffic. Then, if you decide to go forward with purchasing the Richmond house, find ways to make the most out of your commute time.

Listen to music to unwind, or educate yourself during the drive by listening to books or podcasts. A long commute doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you have carefully considered the options before you make an offer.

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